Monday, April 25, 2011

UGA writer gains experience on the go as a new journalist

University of Georgia student and writer Daniel Burnett learned that accuracy is vital when covering crime stories.
Daniel spoke to journalism students at the University of Georgia Monday morning to discuss his experience covering his first crime story which involved the accused cop killer Jamie Hood’s Hostage situation.
Burnett emphasized how important it was not to use convicting words toward the suspect when writing the story.
During the investigation, Burnett gained information in various ways.
“Whenever I saw cops I would hit the breaks to find out what they were doing” said Burnett. Burnett said he also talked to bystanders during the hostage standoff to get their reaction and point of view.
While waiting for Hood to surrender to authorities, Burnett said he and a number of other journalists were only allowed to gain information from a nearby church where they all waited because they were not allowed on the scene.
When Hood surrendered, Burnett was able to capture the reaction of Hood’s family members. He described their reaction as “rough to watch”.
Burnett described covering the story as a challenge because he and his editor were the only two members involved in the coverage for Athens
“Every piece of information I would get, I would instantly email it to my editor” said Burnett.
Ironically, Burnett has never met his editor in person, but he admits that it takes a lot of trust and teamwork to cover a story with only two team members.
Burnett is set to graduate in May and intends on working for in the future or possibly moving to Washington D.C to find work.

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